Basement leaks when it rains – prevention

Basement leaks prevention

Hello friends.

Autumn in full throttle and we would like to tell you what procedures are necessary to have a dry and secure basement ready for any weather.

But why fall, specifically?

Because fall, as a rule, is a season of big rains, and the roots that may have somehow gotten into your pipes have grown over the summer. This increases the possibility of a complete blockage or partial blockage of your sewer line. And if the pipe is already clogged, there is also a possibility of a backup.

To avoid this, it makes sense to perform a camera inspection, to determine the state of your pipes. And based on the results of the inspection, determine what to do next. If the line is completely clean, and the pipes are in good condition, there are no visible cracks and you don’t have a building trap – congratulations, you don’t have to do anything.

basement leaks

But, if you discovered one or more of these potential problems, then you can have us clean pipes with snake, perform full or partial replacement of your sewer line, replace your floor drains, and/or install a backwater valve.

It is known that you can have basement leaks from water that can get into your basement through walls. To combat this, we also perform foundation wall waterproofing procedures. We completely waterproof the outside or the inside of your house, as well as do crack repairs on foundation walls, and installation or cleaning of basins.

We, AAADrain specialists , have been diagnosing drain and waterproofing problems, such as basement leaks, as well as implementing state-of-the-art solutions to address them, for more than 15 years. We use the latest technologies. We understand how important is the comfort, reliability of your home. Almost all of the work we do by hand, in order to minimize damage to your landscape.

With all of our digging work we give 25 years of warranty. We provide discounts for elders and single mothers. In addition, when installing a back water valve and sump pump, we entitle you to a rebate from the city of Toronto to $ 3,000.

If you are unsure of your drain – call us, and we will check your system, diagnose and eliminate any problems. In our arsenal we’ve got camera inspections, snake, partial or full pipe replacement, waterproofing, setup and replacement of sump pumps and catch basins.

Stay dry.