Blockage Drain Repair

Blockage Drain Repair

Hello friends.

Today we would like to tell you about the causes of blockage in your sewer system. Causes of blockage may be different, but they all eventually lead to a backup, which can significantly deteriorates the quality of your life at home and can undermine your health. So why do blockages happen?

A very common problem are the roots that grow into connections of old ceramic pipes. Blockage can also be caused by fat that goes into your kitchen sink, hair, toilet paper, or shifts on old pipes. All this can lead to a blockage and require a blockage drain repair.

You can deal with drain blockage in different ways, each varying by price, hours of work and warranty.

Clogged Pipe and Blockage Drain Repair

If hair or a lot of toilet paper has clogged your drain, then you will need to make use of a mechanical snake. It will deal away with your blockage quickly and inexpensively, and blockage drain repair will be finished.

blockage drain repair

Drain Blockage Solutions

Otherwise, if there is an accumulation of fat, you should use a powerjet instead to save you money. If there are roots that have grown into your sewer system, then you can remove the blockage with a snake, and then clean the pipes with powerjet. However, this does not guarantee that the roots will no longer grow into your pipes. Therefore, we strongly recommend conducting a full or partial replacement of the sewage system, to prevent problems in the future.

Before conducting blockage drain repair, we recommend performing a camera inspection.

In our experience, 90-95% of all sewage problems happen in the building trap. Therefore, it is better to remove it and install of two back-to-back cleanouts in its place, which greatly simplify the processes of servicing and inspecting the sewage system.

All our work is licensed and insured. All excavated projects come with a warranty for 25 years. We carry out most of our work manually to preserve your landscape and always try to minimize the damage to your property.

Call us, and stay dry.

Sewer Pipe Replacement – Full and Partial – Sewer Repair

Sewer pipe replacement

Hello friends. Today we want to tell you about situations that would require full or partial replacement of sewer pipes. Such situation can arise when, for example, something as basic as a tree root has gotten into your sewer pipe.

Sewer Pipe Replacement

The presence of that tree root, for instance, will likely cause backup blockage and sooner or later will negatively affect your everyday life at home. Furthermore, if the backup gets into your home, it may bring bacteria and viruses along that can seriously damage your health in the form of diseases and various disorders. If there is a problem in your sewer system and the issue is present only in one spot, we recommend a partial sewer pipe replacement (replacements are at least 5 feet long). However, if the fault is present in multiple spots, you will need a complete replacement of the sewage system (complete sewer pipe replacement). We usually carry it out during the camera inspection process, which helps us diagnose the problem, then locate it and come up with solutions.

After removing the blockage by a replacing the sewer pipe, we also carry out a re-inspection of your entire system up to city pipes with a camera, for free. During partial replacements we install two back-to-back clean outs, and, if needed, we can also install a backwater valve, which will help protect your home from flooding. With full replacements, as well as with partial replacements of pipes, we strongly recommend that you install backwater valve and be sure to install the clean out. During the installation of backwater valve you can get a rebate up to $1,250 from the city of Toronto.

In some special cases, when performing a complete replacement we can use a non-digging technique, thereby leaving your landscape intact and flawless.

If your sewage system is not working as you would like – do not worry. Call us and experts from AAADrain will eliminate any problem in a timely manner.

Stay dry.

Unclog sink

Unclog sink

Hello friends.

Today I want to tell you about our work, the tools we use, and how everything happens step by step.

Let’s assume you see water on concrete near the floor drain in your basement, after using a substantial amount of water around your house.
That water indicates that your sewer pipe clogged or damaged. To determine the problem, we use perform a camera inspection to see what had happened, and choose the best way to solve the problem.

unclog sink

Unblock sink

Depending on the problem, its magnitude, we can use the snake, which immediately eliminates the drain problem (unclog sink), whether it was a root causing an issue, or blockage, which would not help at all if the pipe collapsed. It should also be borne in mind that the mechanical snake is a heavy-duty machine, the frequent use of which can damage the pipe and tubes from the inside.

We could use a partial replacement of the pipe, to unclog sink, and with this type of work, we typically will set the cleanout. The cleanout is an access to your sewer pipe, which may come in handy in the future, especially if it is located outside. We can utilize the outdoor cleanout to perform a camera inspection or work with a mechanical snake without even needing to go inside the house.

Inside the house, very often clog small traps e.g. kitchen trap. You can unclog sink yourself using a plunger, but if this is not possible, or you have any difficulty, please call us. We will promptly unclog sink with a mechanical snake small diameter, and the problem will disappear.
However, there are situations when only digging and full or partial replacements can solve your sewer issues. AAADrain gives you a 25-year guarantee of serviceability on. In addition, for each digging project, an inspection with a camera and a mechanical snake, if necessary, will be performed for free.

With all our resources and experience, we are at your service with state-of-the-art drain cleaning & repair, waterproofing, and much more. Tasks, such as unclog sink, are not a problem for our experienced professionals.

Call us!